Photography by Zenio Lapka & Kristy White Photography
Intertwined -Rehearsing a
new work of Australian Theatre
Want to see more of Intertwined? Go HERE.

Intertwined rehearsals photographs
by Stassi Austin
Cast recording photographs
by Kristy White Photography

Hi there! I'm Lusi Austin.
Author. Musician. Composer. Speaker. Theatre Maker. Playwright. Director and Content Creator are just some of the hats I like to wear.
I'm so glad you have stopped by.
My most recent projects are Intertwined (a new work of Australian theatre) by my company
Lemon Tea Theatre and a novella, 'Rusty Jones and the Breakout'.
In the past I've been a musician, a script writer, a scrapbooking product designer, a magazine article writer, a vintage and retro shop owner and a few other things whilst homeschooling my 5 kiddos.
Join me as I share here little glimpses of my creative endeavours with you.
Lusi xo

Read about Lusi's
Creative Projects
Read more about Intertwined, Lusi's current theatre project HERE.
Lusi's contributed to the Excelsia College 40th Anniversary Book in 2023.

A portion of Lusi's lyrics were sung by the Cowra Vocal Ensemble accompanied by the Sydney Youth Orchestra for the World Premiere of the World Peace Suite.

Lusi has writing pieces in upcoming editions of this contemporary Australian faith magazine
Lusi's was honoured to work with the Desert Pea Media team and with Cowra Mob on the song and video 'Cowra, What We Can Do', writing and singing the chorus.

Lusi has been a workshop presenter for the Australian Homeschool Summit in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Listen to Lusi talk about the creative process behind her EP with TGLP here or hear Lusi speak about homeschooling on the Feels like Home podcast here
Lusi is honoured to write for the Simple Homeschooling Blog which is based in the USA and has an international readership.

In 2020, Lusi wrote the lyrics for the Path of Peace for artist in residency, Nicholas Gentile. The suite was broadcast throughout the town of Cowra in honour of World Peace Day. Read more here.
Photos from the Cowra Guardian of the Community event are here.